Thursday, July 8, 2010

We must destroy Iran.

First off, we are going to turn a blind eye to the fact that we created the current hot mess that is the incredibly, religiously, bat shit crazy nation of Iran. We don't have time for that discussion here but we need to act against Iran for another reason. NOW!  
 They have finally done it. No I'm not talking about the crushing theocracy, or the nuclear program, or their support of terrorism, or the way they suppress the freedoms of the people. What they have just done is so abhorrent that I can barely bring myself to type about it.  They.... the Islamic Republic of Iran..... have outlawed...... the mullet.

 (These are all ok)
As reported by CNN Iran has issued guidelines for proper male grooming and the biggest casualty is the greatest doo of all.  Soon our redneck wannabe rebel brothers in Iran will no longer to rock  these type of mega awesome quaffs.

This can not stand. What is next?  The kid and play?  The Avalon?  We must destroy Iran before they can spread their anti-mullet mantra in the same way they spread their religious (and therefore automatically retarded and hateful) BS.

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