Wednesday, May 12, 2010

BP to use golf balls to plug the Gulf oil leak.

Sooo I don't know what to say about this one.. really. The giant hole in the Earth that is spewing oil into the Gulf of Mexico has been all over the news lately. I thought that BP had some kind of plans for incidents like this. You would really think they would have planned for an oil leak.... but no. Now  British Petroleum is basically admitting, "We got nothin'". Here is the official news from CNN.

"If attempts to cap the well fail, BP may try to plug the leak by shooting debris -- shredded tires, golf balls and similar objects -- under extremely high pressure into the well's blowout preventer in an attempt to clog it and stop the leak."

The Gulf is fucked.

I had massive iPhone related guilt...... for about a minute.

I was browsing the interweb as I normally do when I came across the following article:

As I looked down to my iPhone that was sitting next to my laptop sitting next to the camera.... (you get the point) I thought about how all of these items are likely to be built in horrible sweatshop type condition overseas.  "Globalization" I thought. "This is the price of industrialization" was another thought that came to mind. Then the other arguments came out: Human Rights, Fair Wages! Unfortunately all of these arguments for and against profit maximization might be true.  The US went through the same type of growing pains when we went through the industrial revolution.  But does that justify my using the tasty tech gadgets that so many are breaking their backs to produce so I don't have to pay the extra $50 bucks it would take to give them proper working conditions or wages?  No but what are the alternatives?  Unfortunately there may not be any.  The fact that I'm buying these items is going to push the industrialization in developing countries that they need to be able to bring their standard of living up like we did in the US.  Businesses will continue to push their production towards cheaper markets until the globe equalizes its employee base to the point where we can all compete equally for jobs. Until then these types of growing pains will continue..... but are they necessary?  Isn't there a way we can push forward in a clean and friendly way?  Probably not..... your thoughts?

The mini terrorists hate our freedom

Sunday, May 9, 2010

This will end........... poorly

It may not be today. It may not be tomorrow..... but arming our future roboverlords is going to backfire. They will rise up and destroy us. I was only hoping that they would use pseudo humane instant death rays. Now I have to look forward to them robotically plunging steak knives into me in what will undoubtedly be a horrifically slow yet fuel efficient slaughter of humanity..... suck.