Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Elect Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho!!!!

America is chocked full of idiots. In fact I'm sad to report that we have turned the corner and the simpletons now outnumber the rational.  I have proof!  Her name is Christine O'Donnell.  Holy crapstick she is stupid. Not ignorant, stupid. Like pet rock stupid or Sarah Palin stupid (I know its redundant.. shut it!) I name her as proof of how stupid Merica (say it out loud like that, its how idiot a-Merica says it) has become because enough ass clowns actually exist to get her not only on a ballot but she won a primary.

But some of you may be saying to yourself. "Hey jerk blogger! Why are you being such a big ole meany to our poor lil Christine?  What gives you the right to call her stupid?"

The answer is as follows.

Wow.... damn wow...... and sigh. Unfortunately this is the way we are going in Merica.  Soon we will truly live in the film Idiocracy. (great flick by the way) and we will be electing this man...

Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho
The only way I don't see this happening is if we wake up and stop the movement towards crack head pseudo-leaders like Christine O'Donnell. Otherwise we are doomed to let Cost-Co run the country and the Beef will reign Supreme ;)