Saturday, May 1, 2010

It's Science....

Drill Baby...... Drill?!?

The looming disaster in the Gulf of Mexico is about to heat up.  It will cost taxpayers millions and the cost to the environment will be unimaginable.   But where are the people screaming about us not drilling more?  What is their position on this issue?  I don't necessarily disagree that the United States should develop its own power sources but those that were calling for offshore drilling have to address this issue head on.  This is the type of risk/reward analysis that can't be ignored when we drill. So what is the correct position?  It is difficult to tell. We obviously can't just turn off the valve on our offshore plants overnight but hopefully we will hear less of the over simplified bumper stick logic from the likes of Sarah Palin. "Drill Baby Drill?!!?  Right?!?!" Drill no matter what....right?!  Is that what you are saying? 

Lately when one takes a position in the country they attempt to ignore any possible negative outcomes of their position.  This happens anytime the 2nd amendment crowd ignores dangerous anti-anythingnotwhite militias or school shootings.  This also happens anytime pro-union officials loose sight of the health of the company they are attempting to bleed dry.  Drilling may be part of the answer but its proponents need to bring the meat to the table. If it is part of the solution you need to explain why it is, despite the types of disasters we are about to witness. And don't do it with stupid folksy talk that appeals to our worst urges to ignore reality and listen to only what sounds good.

On a completely different note I would like to urge us to build more nuclear power plants!!!!  (FYI I will be totally silent after the next three mile island ;)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Andy Samberg is a genius