Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Why do we keep building things like this?

For some reason the human race has an obsession with inventing things that will eventually (insert robot voice over) "KILL-ALL-HUMANS". The military is currently leading the way in kill-bot technology with the Predator drone planes and the deceptively housebroken sounding iRobot line of pre-Cambrianesque prototerminators. USA... USA.... USA!! (fyi I'm for some of these as they kill generic "evil doers" and save the lives of US troops)

But recently we have started to build robots that apparently want to "KILL-ALL-HUMANS AND MAKE THEM FUCKING SUFFER FOR NO REASON". Case in point is this super cute little baby robot. (read the original story here.)
Someone took a great deal of time to develop the mechanics and software required to bring this little guy to life. Once that was completed I imagine the engineers sat back and thought, "You know what this is missing?  The ability to shoot our ass with a damn bow and arrow!" Genius.  First they invent the Stabatron 3000 and now this.


Seriously..... why do we keep building these damn things?

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