Monday, August 23, 2010

What the hell is going on?

So I step away for one short month (moving btw) and holy crapstick.... how many interesting things can possibly try to sneak by me in the mean time.
There was a super hot gay priest scandal at the Vatican.
And now all this craziness about the "Ground Zero Mosque". First off  I'd like to see less religious construction all around. I would greatly prefer a new university or science lab go up. Beyond that personal bias I don't know what everyone is arguing about.  This isn't even a mosque, its a community center. Even if it were a mosque what the hell are we arguing about? Isn't this is America? The center is being built on private land soooooo that should be the end of the story.  And what the hell is the deal with calling this the "Ground Zero Mosque"?  It is not a mosque. It is a community center with a prayer room and it is not at nor directly adjacent to ground zero. Suddenly we are implying that anything built on Manhattan Island = GZ?  GZ is not and should not be treated as holy ground (that kind of thinking is what got us into this mess in the first place.)  With that said how close to GZ would it be OK to build according to the people protesting this?  10 blocks? A mile?  New Jersey?  Now wer are even trying to demonize anyone involved with the mosque. The funny thing about the guy trying to build it is that apparently he is as patriotic, pro-American as an Muslim can get. Bush regularly sent him to the Islamic world as an envoy.
Unfortunately there are some in this country that seem to continuously reinforce that we (America) is no longer the shining light of goodness and freedom that it used to be.  We used to have the highest standards. We didn't torture, everyone got a fair-ish trial, we followed the Geneva convention, we were generally a live and let live kind of place. Even when we do make mistakes (see Native Americans and Japanese internment camps) we try make it up for it (see casinos and Nintendo sales figures). Unfortunately it seems like the collective stupid is really taking off. Its cool to be uneducated, hyper religious and violently angry about everything you don't understand. Hopefully we can turn things around but even if we do we are going to be making up for this mess of shit forever.......

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